Updated: 5th July 2023

10th July 2024: Subsequently updated with Heading Rule Change from Cambridge Mini Soccer

Approved at AGM: 6th July 2023


This Code of Conduct represents the standards to which Coton FC requires all Team Officials must adhere when working with young people (ie those under the age of 18 years).

Team Officials are defined as appointed managers, coaches and assistants of Coton teams as well as the officers of the Club (eg President, Secretary, Treasurer and Welfare Officer).

Appointment and Termination of a Team Official

  • Team Officials must accept this Code of Conduct before their appointment.
  • Termination: If, after an investigation, a Team Official is found to have broken the Code of Conduct, the official will be asked to resign their position immediately.

Note that this Code of Conduct is built on a number of supporting documents which should be read in conjunction with :

  • ‘Guidance Note 5.7 – Acceptable behaviours when working with young people guidance: for grassroots football’ – a PDF is found at the bottom of The Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO) Network (link accurate as of Juy 2023)
  • FA’s Respect Code of Conduct for Coaches, Team Managers and Club Officials – please see copy of this Code below
  • Coton FC’s Policies


Medical Information

All matches and training sessions should have access to First Aid. Ideally this should be in permanently stored in the coach’s kit bag. In the pavilion at the Coton Rec, a First Aid kit is located on top of the beige cupboard at the entrance to the kitchen area.

Any medical conditions of U18 players should be collected on the club’s Membership Registration Form. Team Officials should have a mental note of those players with conditions, but detailed medical conditions need to be available to Team Officials at the point of need.

Coton FC’s recommended approach to handling sensitive medical information

Medical information of U18 team members should placed in a sealed envelope in the bottom of the First Aid kit bag which should be present at all training sessions / matches and only opened at the time of need. After the envelope has been opened and its contents read, the medical information should be destroyed and replaced at the next available opportunity.

Alternatives to this process are acceptable (eg Medical Information stored securely on Officials’ mobile phones). Please discuss with the Club’s Welfare Officer.

Heading Guidance

In Feb 2020, the FA updated its Heading Guidance for U18 football. Please the PDF of the Heading Guidance linked from the page announcing the Update Heading Guidance.

The updated heading guidance includes:

  • Heading guidance in training for all age groups between under-six and under-18
  • No heading in training in the foundation phase (primary school children)
  • Graduated approach to heading training for children in the development phase between under-12 to under-16
  • Required ball sizes for training and matches for each age group
  • No changes to heading in matches, taking into consideration the limited number of headers in youth games

10th July 2024: Please note this rule change for 2024/5 Season for the Cambridge Mini Soccer League: 

At under 7, 8 and 9 – Deliberately heading the ball is an offence punishable by an indirect free kick.  The indirect fee kick is to be taken at the point where the ball was deliberately headed except, where a player deliberately heads the ball within their own penalty area, the referee to stop the game and restart with an indirect free kick to the opposition from the nearest side line of the penalty area where the offence took place.


All team officials are expected to have appropriate qualifications as determined by the FA (eg DBS Certificate, Safeguarding qualifications etc). Please refer to the Welfare Officer for clarification.

Acceptable Behaviours – Environment and Culture

Team official have a critical role in creating the great environment in which to enjoy football – a reputation that Coton FC holds dear.

  • Coton FC is welcoming to all children and parents/carers.
  • Children are treated equally, with respect and dignity.
  • The FA’s Respect principles (see below) are upheld at all times
  • Club officials are expected to be friendly, professional and positive role models. For example, they should not be smoking/vaping or drinking alcohol when coaching and or working with children or engaging in other behaviour that would be considered inappropriate.
  • Coton FC seeks to create a positive environment where healthy competition, skill development, fun and achievement are promoted in equal measure.


  • The needs and abilities of children are expected to be recognised and overtraining and/or competition should be avoided.
  • Children are encouraged to review their own progress based on their skill development, knowledge of the game and enjoyment, as opposed to winning or losing.

Awareness and Reporting of Concerns

Team Officials must be proactive and raise concerns about a child to the Club Welfare Officer if they are displaying behaviour not usual to them or which causes concern.


Any complaints concerning a player or any official should refer to the Club’s Complaint Policy. The Club’s Committee are available to support all team officials and players in any circumstances. See also:


The FA’s Respect Code of Conduct for Coaches, Team Managers and Club Officials

The text below is copied directly from Respect Code of Conduct for Coaches, Team Managers and Club Officials on the FA’s Respect page  (link accurate as of July 2023)

On and off the field, I will:

  • Always show respect to everyone involved in the game
  • Stick to the rules and celebrate the spirit of the game
  • Encourage fair play and high standards of behaviour
  • Always respect the Referee and encourage players to do the same
  • Never enter the field of play without the Referee’s permission
  • Never engage in, or tolerate offensive, insulting or abusive behaviour
  • Be aware of the potential impact of bad language on others
  • Be gracious in victory and defeat
  • Respect the facilities home and away

When working with players, I will:

  • Place the well-being, safety and enjoyment of each player above everything
  • Never tolerate any form of bullying
  • Ensure all activities are suited for the players’ ability and age
  • Work with others (e.g. offcials, doctors, welfare offers, physiotherapists) for each player’s best interests
  • I will make myself familiar with safeguarding practices & review guidance on physical contact (5.6) & Acceptable Behaviours When Working With Young People (5.7) documents on the safeguarding section of EnglandFootball.com (links accurate as of July 2023)

I understand that if I do not follow the Code, I may be:

  • Required to meet with the club committee, league or CFA Welfare Officer
  • Suspended by the club from attending matches
  • Suspended or fined by the County FA
  • Required to leave, lose my position and/or have my license withdrawn