Medical Information
    Please detail below any important medical information which the Club coaching team need to know, such as allergies, medical conditions (eg asthma, epilepsy, etc), current medication, special dietary needs, significant injuries, etc.

    Subscription fees cover the cost of playing kit, training facilities, insurance, league registration fees, etc. Any matchday fines for Yellow/Red cards are not covered by the subscription and must be paid by the player.

    Apologies - we can no longer accept payment by cheque/cash – all subscription fees must be made electronically please.

    The club now ask for payment in full at the start of the season (in previous years we have accepted split payments through the season). The club understand everyone’s situation is different and would never wish costs to be a reason for children not to take part in football. Should you need to pay in parts, or be unable to make payment for any reason, please contact either your coach or the club chairman directly to agree an alternative.

    Please note the pricing structure for siblings playing for the Club is as follows:

    • £160 per season for 1 player
    • £120 per season for each additional sibling (first player is £160)


            Coton Football Club
            Barclays Account no 63352013
            Sort code 20-17-19
    I confirm I have paid by BACS transfer

    I give my consent that in an emergency situation the Club may act in my place if the need arises for the administration of emergency first aid and/or other medical treatment, having first taken all reasonable steps to contact me.
    (Please initial inside the box below).

    I give consent for my child’s photograph (individual and group pictures) to be used in club promotional material or displayed in the pavilion.
    (Please initial inside the box below).

    Team Support/Assistance
    As a volunteer-run community organisation, we need every member to contribute in some way to the running of the club. The activities that parents / carers are expected to contribute to include:

    • Running the tuck shop (opening up pavilion, serving teas/snacks, cleaning and packing away)
    • Pitch setup and put-away (goals, barriers etc.)
    • Acting as Assistant Referee (line duty)
    • Clearing pitch of leaves/other debris
    • End of season events support (setup, manning and clearing away)

    These activities will be arranged / requested by the relevant team coach / secretary.

    Coton Football Club strives to create an inclusive and competitive environment where children can learn and enjoy playing football. We are very proud of the work all of our coaches do to balance the needs of the players and the needs of the team.

    Junior teams at Coton Football Club play in three different leagues, all of which are under the umbrella of Cambridgeshire FA:

    • The Cambridgeshire Mini Soccer League (up to U11)
    • The Cambridge and District Colts League (U12 and above)
    • The S-Tech Girls League (all ages)

    Age groups up to U11 are officially non-competitive, with no results or league tables published. Age groups U12 and over are competitive. For matches in the Cambridgeshire Mini Soccer League all substitutes must play, and all players must play for a minimum of 15 minutes in each match. For the S-Tech Girls League and the Cambridge and District Colts League there is no requirement for all substitutes to play, and there is no minimum playing time for those who do play.

    Notwithstanding the above, coaches will endeavour to be inclusive and ensure that all players registered to play matches at the Club are given the opportunity to play. This does not mean equal playing-time for everybody and the amount of playing time for each player may differ according to the needs of the team. The aim is to strike a balance between team success on the one hand and inclusiveness on the other – which is our attempt to be fair to all of the players. Playing time is a decision for individual coaches who have the best understanding of the needs of their teams.

    We all have a responsibility to promote high standards of behaviour in the game. This club is supporting The FA’s Respect programme to ensure football can be enjoyed in a safe, positive environment. Play your part and observe The FA’s Respect Codes of Conduct at all times.

    FA Respect Code of Conduct for Young Players
    When playing football, I will:

    • Always play to the best of my ability and for the benefit of the team
    • Play fairly – I won’t cheat, dive, complain or waste time
    • Respect my team-mates, the other team, the referee or my coach/manager
    • Play by the rules, as directed by the Referee
    • Be gracious in victory and defeat – I will shake hands with the other team and referee at the end of the game
    • Listen and respond to what my coach/team manager tells me
    • Understand that a coach has to do what is best for the team and not one individual player
    • Talk to someone I trust or the club welfare officer if I’m unhappy about anything at my club

    I understand that if I do not follow the Code, any/all of the following actions may be taken by my club, county FA or The FA

    • Be required to apologise to my team-mates, the other team, referee or team manager
    • Receive a formal warning from the coach or the club committee
    • Be dropped or substituted
    • Be suspended from training
    • Be required to leave the club

    In addition:

    • My club, County FA or The FA may make my parent or carer aware of any infringements of the Code of Conduct
    • The FA/County FA could impose a fine and suspension against my club.

    for Spectators and Parents/Carers
    I will:

    • Remember that children play for FUN
    • Applaud effort and good play as well as success
    • Respect the Referee’s decisions even when you don’t agree with them
    • Appreciate good play from whatever team it comes from
    • Remain behind the touchline and within the Designated Spectators’ Area
    • Let the coach do their job and not confuse the players by telling them what to do
    • Encourage the players to respect the opposition, referee and match officials
    • Support positively and offer players encouragement not criticism
    • Never engage in, or tolerate offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour

    I understand that if I do not follow the Code, any/all of the following actions may be taken:

    • Issued with a verbal warning from a club or league official
    • Required to meet with the club, league or CFA Welfare Officer
    • Required to meet with the club committee
    • Obliged to undertake an FA education course
    • Obliged to leave the match venue by the club
    • Requested by the club not to attend future games
    • Suspended or have my club membership removed
    • Required to leave the club along with any dependents

    Club Fees

    The club registration fees go towards playing and training equipment for the teams, pitch and venue hire, league registration and insurance, amongst other costs. I understand that the club will only be able to refund a maximum of 50% of these fees should my child leave the team, reducing to 0% over the course of the season.

    I confirm I have read, understand and agree to the above Team Support/Assistance and Inclusivity Policies and the Respect Code of Conduct.

    (Please sign inside the box below).

    I confirm I have read, understand and agree to the above Team Support/Assistance and Inclusivity Policies and the Respect Code of Conduct.

    (Please sign inside the box below).